Price calculator

It is now possible to easily call up and book the prices and offers for your desired stay. Our prices depend on the different room categories and the current occupancy. This flexible model especially rewards those who book as early as possible. Of course, we continue to be there for your requests. Directly via phone and email. We are looking forward to your visit!

Good to know

The room is ready for you on arrival day from 2 p.m. We make every effort to welcome you personally. If this is not possible for organisational reasons on our part, you will find the key in the outside safe directly at the front door (please also note the directions for the arrive). Please contact the number listed on the door and you will receive for the code. Thank you for your understanding.
On the day of departure, please leave the apartment by 10.00 a.m.. Thank you!
Pets are allowed only by arrangement. We charge 12,00 Euro per day ecluding food. We would ask you to bring your own basket or blanket. Please don´t let your dog alonge in the room. Thanks.
We therefore recommend you to take out our travel cancellation insurance. In this way, you will be exempt from the cancellation fees if, for important reasons, your holiday departure is not possible.
To confirm your reservation we ask you to pay a deposit. The deposit is non-refundable in the event of a cancellation. We will send you a written confirmation of your reservation.
Cancellation terms in accordance with Art. 1382 Civil Code - special conditions for summer 2020
Cancellation: sounds unpleasant, in fact it is, for you as for us. The right of withdrawal as laid down in the Consumers' Code is not contemplated – however, we are willing to apply the following conditions for withdrawal (Notification pursuant to Part III, Section III, Paragraph I of Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumers' Code):
  • up to 14 days before the day of arrival: 50% of the agreed total amount
  • No-show, early departure or late arrival: 100% of the agreed total amount
In these times, we would like to offer all our attention to the safety of our guests and employees. We are in the process of taking various measures that are necessary in this particular time. We will keep you up to date.
Important informations:
  • Hand sanitation stations are available throughout all facilities (reception, breakfast room, rooms).
  • Everyone must sanitise their hands before and after visiting the sanitary facilities.
More informations you will find on the official site of South Tyrol. Here you will find the most important answers to questions you need to know for your next holiday in South Tyrol!
Thanks for your understanding and your help! Your family Rizzi and the team of Garni Färbe
You can choose between the following payment methods:
  • Credit card payment: In this case we need the following information: credit card number, validity, name of the credit card holder, name of the credit institution and your signature.
  • Bank transfer: The bank details are as follows: Residence Die Färbe Elisabeth Sparber-Holzer, IBAN: IT08Q0818259110000300041700, BIC: RZSBIT21054, Raiffeisenbank Wipptal.
Please indicate the following reason for payment: deposit + your first name and surname, so that we can correctly assign your transfer.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Insurance product information document